About Deanna Araceli
I am an Afro-Indigenous spiritual educator, advisor, oracle and artist passionate about helping others in their process of self-discovery and transformation.
I founded LA Casa de Luz with the intention of bringing healing and insight to people through many different avenues. Through Energy Readings, 1:1 sessions and Courses we weave traditional knowledge from Indigenous cultures around the world to help support your journey wherever you are.
I’m passionate about retaining the authenticity and depth of Vedic and Indigenous sciences through education ranging from introductory classes to intensive courses, training and further mentorship so you may embody your higher self.
I’ve spent 15+ years teaching in the public school system. As well as spent countless hours learning through traditional oral settings in North & South American and India. Working alongside teachers and guides who withhold the knowledge of their culture.
I’ve lived in Ashrams in Los Angeles, Mexico, Ecuador and mostly in Vrindavan, India studying and traveling with my gurus of the Bhakti Yoga Traditional. In 2014, I was spiritually initiated in the Vedic lineage as Daya Dhara dd (the current /flow of compassion or mercy). I’ve also spent many years learning from my late Red Road mentor who initiated me in the traditional sweat lodge and am currently studying with my Curandera mentor mesomerican practices.
How my Spiritual Journey Began
As a small child, I took my relationship with Source very seriously. During my youth, my father exposed me to many different mythologies although I was raised by my (open-minded) Christian mother . During my late teenage years, I decided to focus on my spirituality as mainstream living brought on many heart aches and confusion. By the time I was 21, I was pursuing a Liberal Arts degree with an emphasis on elementary school teaching and a minor in Christian Studies (comparative religion), this led to many discoveries and breakthroughs.
My first encounter with oracles and mediumship was with the Tao I-Ching. My father showed me how to throw coins and at one point let me borrow his Egyptian Tarot. I quickly delved into Eastern thought, particularly Hinduism and decided to go to India right after I graduated College in 2013.
For the last decade, I have studied the Vedas and have gone to India numerous times (ranging from 6 months to 6 weeks). I’ve also lived in Ecuador and Mexico, teaching as well as exploring all sides of my artistry. While living in Mexico City, I started to experiment with poetry, art and music. I also started my Herstory Collective, Underground Realms, focusing on matriarchal societies and tribal cultures.
The Path of Solitude and Union
In 2018, I was going through intense physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. I was in my darkest night of the soul trying to understand the unraveling of my karma. I was forced to do intense shadow work healing myself through self-introspection and other modalities.
This led me back to taking solace in the Tarot and other occult modalities. This also awakened my interest in studying Indigenous cultures, specifically my roots in the Mexica and Native American Traditions. My journey back to myself created LA Casa de Luz in 2020. The focus to help serve the community with the wisdom I have been shown by my teachers and with the tools that come naturally to me.
I look forward to working with those who hear the call to dive deeper into self-discovery and become their authentic selves.
Sending Mucha Mucha Luz!
Listen to D. Dhara Music